Mohammed Al-Shammarey " Rain Song "

Solo Exhibition for The Iraqi Artist Mohammed Al Shammarey, Born in Baghdad in the 1962, his work widely exhibited in galleries and museums throughout the Middle East, Europe and USA; participated in group shows at the British Museum, Columbia University and the Station Museum of Contemporary Art in Houston, Texas Reaching Amman, Al Shammarey's recent work tittled “Rain Song” will be showing at the Orient Gallery after travelling from the Museum of JUNIATA college, Houston, where Mohammed currently resides, to FA Gallery, Kuwait. "Rain Song" pieces were inspired by Badr Shakir al-Sayyab poetry, a 20th century Iraqi writer little known in the West, but celebrated throughout the Arab world. Al-Sayyab's most famous poem, Rain Song, was important for its innovations both formal and thematic--its experimentation with free verse; its revival of ancient mythic imagery of life, death and renewal; its melding of political and personal tragedy Al-Sayyabs poetry coupled with Al-Shammareys artistic interpretation resulted in "Rain Song" described as artistic and rich with cultural originality and specificity.