“Creatures” brings together three important Jordanian artists that have established their presence within the art world over the years both locally and internationally; Bader Mahasneh, Hilda Hiary and Mohammad Nasrallah. Each artist has his own particular style and mode of visual expression that their followers know well. In this exhibition they come together to present us with new explorations of their personal creatures and the similar yet different worlds they inhabit ...
معرض “كائنات” تجتمع به ثلاث تجارب أردنية مهمه أثبتت حضورها محلياً وخارج الأردن على مدى السنين ... بدر محاسنه ، هيلدا حياري ومحمد نصر الله . لكل فنان أسلوبه وبصمته الخاصة والتي عرفها متابعينهم ، يجتمعون في هذا المعرض ليـقدموا تجربتهم الجديدة مع كائناتهم وعوالمـهم المتشابهه المختلفة ...