"Contrast" January 31st - February 23rd 2023


تباين... ذلك الجمال الخفي ما بين الشيء والشيء... هو ذلك السر الذي بظاهره اختلاف، ولكن في باطنه مساحة مذهلة نحاول أن ندركها ما بين الشيء ونقيضه...  ما بين الرجل والمرأة، الخط والمساحة، الواضح والمبهم، الفاتح والمعتم ، الشكل والتجريد...


Contrast...is that hidden beauty between something and something else... It is that secret that appears to be a difference, but in the inside there is an amazing space that we try to comprehend between something and its opposite... Man and woman, line and space, clear and vague, light and dark, shape and abstraction…

Click Here To See All The Paintings Of The Exhibition